Illustrated by Iris Hopp

Music of Lyft – SF Bay Area, CA.

"All songs are about the same things, after all..."

Illustrated by Loraine Yow

Tears of Terror

"She raised her hands to surrender."

Illustrated by Loraine Yow

A Lyft Love Poem

"I saw you, and I knew. And I think, you knew too."

Illustrated by Cintia Troitiño

Rahiman: Phoenix, Arizona

“I don’t want our children to have to move to Mars or wherever!”

Sketch of Manuel: Atlanta, GA by Annie Haines

Manuel: Atlanta, Georgia

“He tried to kill me, and I hugged him.”

Illustrated by Alexandra Burda


"Today, my driver was deaf, and mute."

Illustrated by Paula Vrinceanu

Naonka: Los Angeles, CA.

“The KKK called me a 'Porch Monkey' on their website."

Ethel: San Diego, CA.

“You have to sing it like you mean it”

Humit: Istanbul, Turkey

"It's my home. I don't know. Wouldn't you stay?"

Rasool: Portland, OR

"I'm from Iraq. It's not that bad. We're not all bad people."

Lisa Ong: Singapore.

"She cries when she doesn’t understand her homework..."